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The Major Heavy Duty Squeeze Chute

The Major Heavy Duty Squeeze Chute Hero

A True Heavy-Duty Hydraulic Squeeze Chute Built for Any Feedlot or Large Operation

Product Code: 3S-MAJ
Product Features | Product Specifications

Weight: 3182 lbs.

Dimensions: 52-56" W X 100” H X 135” L

8 Options Available

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For veterinarians and on large-scale and feedlot cattle operations, we know and understand that the stakes are high. Time, safety, and efficiency are your top priorities, and you need a chute that is in it for the long haul and does it all with no compromises. Arrowquip is pleased to introduce The Major, a true heavy-duty hydraulic squeeze chute.

Every inch of this chute is crafted with large-scale cattle operations in mind to make work faster, safer, and easier. By incorporating animal science and multiple quiet points into the design, processing cattle is as efficient as possible to benefit the animals, handlers, and above all else, your bottom line.

We also incorporated easy-to-replace parts that any mechanically inclined hand or rancher can complete. With parts readily available in stock and a 24/7 Client Care Team that works to ship your parts in as little as 24-hours, you’ll never have to worry about down equipment ever again. Stay focused on managing your operation, not your equipment.

With high-quality, heavy-duty construction, unbeatable access, and a unique 3-way floating squeeze and live floor, The Major will boost productivity on your operation for years to come.

The Major is ready to serve.


For more information on how The Major heavy-duty hydraulic chute can improve your operation, visit us at Operation Arrowquip.

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Product Features

  • Wheel kit the major

    Enhanced Wheel Kit

    Take your chute anywhere, anytime with our new, enhanced wheel kit. With a winch system that raises and lowers the chute in 16 turns or less, you can quickly and easily hook up your chute and head out to get the job done.

  • A-Squeeze in The Major Hydraulic Chute

    Three Ways to Work for Better Cattle Flow

    The Major features a unique 3-way squeeze functionality and live floor, first seen with The General. Select parallel squeeze for the best flow from alley to chute, A-squeeze for rowdy or nervous livestock, and V-squeeze to help support cattle, keep them upright, and accommodate larger animals.

  • Total access is available on both sides of the Major Hydraulic Chute

    Unrivaled Access

    When you’re running cattle of different sizes and temperaments, you need full access to get the job done as accurately and quickly as possible. With 6 drop-down bars, split bottom access gates, and emergency exit doors on each side, processing cattle is more efficient than ever.

  • Hydraulic Neck Extenders being used on a black cow

    The Best Head Control with Hydraulic Neck Extenders

    Get the best head control and access with hydraulic neck extenders. By gently stretching the animal’s neck forward and keeping their head still, treating, tagging and vaccinating are complete in seconds, so you can move on to the next task.

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Product Specifications

  • Massive 5/8 plate top gussets, 3/8 plate bottom gussets
  • Head Gate and Tail Gate with heavy-duty rollers, custom cylinders and linkages to control speed
  • Head Gate track built with 1/4” plate steel for enhanced strength
  • Rubber Cushions on the Head Gate help eliminate bruising
  • 3E Head Gate and Tail Gate allow cattle to see more light for better flow
  • Steel floor pans topped with highly durable, true rubber floors
  • Hydraulic controls mounted on the pivoting swing arm
  • All parts that may wear are easily replaceable and bolt-on
  • Strong, durable curtain-style doors
  • Swing-out emergency exit, double latch for security
  • Torsion bar to prevent warping of lower squeeze frame
  • Split bottom access gates
  • Enhanced fork targets for hanging pour-on, etc.
  • 6 drop-down access panels on each side
  • XL vet cage

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Available Add-Ons / Options

  • Hydraulic Neck Extenders being used on a black cow

    Neck Extenders

    There's no need to worry about safety hazards with the Neck Extenders. With a unique design that lies completely flat against the head gate when not in use, catching cattle is easier than ever. Without interfering with your catch, the extenders gently stretch the animal’s neck forward to keep them stationary, giving you complete control to tag and treat livestock at a new level of efficiency and accommodate livestock of any size

  • Sheeted sternum bar for cattle squeeze chutes

    Sternum Bar

    The Sternum Bar is a must-have addition to any cattle chute. When installed, the Sternum Bar supports the sternum and eliminates space at the bottom of the chute, preventing cattle from laying down and making processing faster and safer than ever. The Sternum Bar is quick and easy to install with two bolts and comes sheeted to eliminate hoof traps.

  • Cattle Trimming Bar components for Arrowquip cattle chutes

    Calf Restrainer Bar

    The calf restrainer bar allows handlers to safely open both doors of the chute while keeping cattle contained and can be adjusted to accommodate cattle of different sizes. This simple and effective option can be installed or removed from the chute with just 4 bolts.

  • Wheel kit the major

    Portable Kit

    Take your chute where you need it with our new, enhanced Wheel Kit. Featuring a winch system that raises and lowers the chute with just a few cranks, the wheels are installed in minutes.

  • 7.5 HP Single Phase Power Pack

    7.5HP Single Phase Low-Flow Stealth

    Reliable power anywhere, anytime, this Electric Power Pack has an operating pressure of 1200 PSI, a 15-gallon tank, and runs at 9.5 GPM.

  • 7.5 HP Three Phase Power Pack

    7.5HP Three Phase Low-Flow Stealth

    Virtually silent, this Three-Phase Stealth Electric Power Pack operates at 208V, 230V, and 440V and features 1200 PSI, a 15-gallon tank, and runs at 9.5 GPM.

  • 10 HP Gas Powerpack

    10HP Gas Power Pack

    This gas power pack provides reliable power anywhere, anytime. It has an operating pressure of 1200 PSI, a 15-gallon tank, and a running speed of 9 GPM.

  • Traction bar hydraulic chutes

    Traction Kit

    Give your livestock added assurance with the Traction Kit. Easily installed by bolting onto the chute floor.

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  • 5 Glen

    Good website

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