Cattle Chutes - The Myths About Cattle Footing, Hydraulic Engines & More

1. Myth: Footing isn't a concern in the chute.
FACT: Minimize stress and safety concerns with non-slip flooring. Your chute should be located in an area with good drainage. Adding non-slip flooring and updating it periodically will ensure safety. (Tennessee Extension).
2. Myth: I can't stop cattle from kneeling or pulling backwards.
FACT: Design features include a brisket bar that will keep cattle standing up, and bars to keep them from pulling back. (Arkansas Extension).
3. Myth: Overhead restrainers aren't needed in a chute.
FACT: A restrainer located at 60 inches above the chute can keep cattle from rearing up or turning around. Adjustable restrainers are available. (Oklahoma Extension).
4. Myth: Engines in hydraulic chutes can be located on top of the chute.
FACT: Busted - watch out! Placing the engine above your chute can spook cattle and make them chute shy.
5. Myth: Cattle don't walk through manual chutes, they always run.
FACT: Through engineering with animal science practices we manufacture manual chutes that encourage cattle to walk through, minimizing risk of injury to handlers and employees. These practices at Arrowquip include:
- Remove pressure points;
- Ensure cattle have a clear line of site through the chute; and
- Reduce noise. Quiet chutes will help keep cattle more relaxed.
About the Author

Dana Charban
As a small town girl from rural Manitoba, Dana Charban grew up around agriculture and farming her en...More Information on Dana Charban
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