Drought Relief Program Expanded Under Agrirecovery Framework | Manitoba Livestock Producers
The Canada and Manitoba governments are continuing to support livestock producers by expanding eligibility of expenses under the Livestock Feed and Transportation Drought Assistance program. Eligible animals under the program include breeding animals of beef and dairy cattle, horses raised for pregnant mare urine, sheep, goats, bison, and elk. Producers must support a minimum of 10 animals to qualify for assistance. The program covers feed, feed transportation, and related extraordinary expenses incurred between June 1, 2021, and March 15, 2022. The Livestock Feed and Transportation Drought Assistance program has processed more than 1,200 claims and will accept new claims until a deadline of April 15.
Who Qualifies?
- Primary producers who owned or leased the eligible animals, located in Manitoba, as of June 1, 2021 and continued to own or lease them to March 15, 2022 or later are eligible.
- Eligible animals include breeding head of beef and dairy cattle, horses raised for Pregnant Mare Urine (PMU), sheep, goats, bison, and elk.
- Breeding animals are mature females exposed to breeding (male or artificial insemination) and males used previously for breeding.
- Elk producers must have a Game Farm Production Licence and only elk farmed under that licence are eligible.
Available Assistance
Assistance is provided for eligible costs incurred between June 1, 2021 and March 15, 2022 for:
- Winter-feed costs of eligible breeding animals. Breeding animals are mature females exposed to breeding (male or artificial insemination) and males used previously for breeding.
- Feed testing to determine the nutritional value of eligible feeds.
- Extraordinary expenses associated with above-normal costs for accessing additional crop or pasture acres, hauling water, harvesting extra acres, or hauling self-produced feed from distant locations.
Application Period: ONGOING
Apply today. The application period closes on April 15, 2022, at 11:59 pm CST: https://www.manitoba.ca/agricu...
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