Eat Beef and Get Your Zinc In

Did you know that eating beef can help improve your immune system, and help you fight off diseases and viruses? Beef is rich in protein, minerals, and zinc. All of these are needed for overall health, energy, and to strengthen the immune system. Eating a meal with adequate sources of protein helps you feel strong and full. Beef provides the energy needed to get through the day, and helps avoid mindless snacking or empty calories.
If you are a rancher, you eat beef on a regular basis. But, are you sharing the reasons you eat beef with your neighbors and fellow consumers? If you are a consumer, you probably feel inundated with information, and are looking for simple answers on whether or not you should be eating beef. We pulled the facts together in one place to help consumers understand their food choices, and ranchers talk about why we eat beef.
Glutathione is an antioxidant that is known for its positive effects on the immune system, and many other benefits. Some refer to glutathione as the master antioxidant - and it is found in beef.
With 29 lean cuts of beef, there is something for every palate. Some have stated that beef is high in fat, although research shows that 50% of the fat found in beef is monounsaturated - the same kind we seek out in our heart-healthy olive oil.
Get Your Zinc In
We all need zinc to stay healthy. It is a mineral in our cells, and strengthens the immune system, aiding it to fight off any virus or bacteria. Zinc also supports growth and maintenance. The daily amount of zinc needed depends on the person, but it is between 8 mg and 11 mg for teens and adults.
Beef and other red meats are an excellent source of zinc. A six-ounce portion of lean beef supplies 72% of the recommended daily amount of beef. Eating beef is also a good source of protein and minerals, in addition to being delicious!
You will also find zinc in oysters, other seafood, fortified cereals, poultry, beans, nuts, and dairy. Eating a balanced diet ensures that you are getting enough zinc; the average person does not need a zinc supplement. It is possible to have too much zinc in your body, and this can lead to adverse health effects. The safest choice is a balanced diet.
Benefits Beyond the Nutrition
Buying local beef reduces the number of touch points that your food has before it reaches you, the consumer. When you purchase directly from a rancher, or a market with food produced within your geographic area, you know where your food came from and how it was raised and processed. You can ensure that you are helping support sustainable agricultural practices, and supporting the local economy.
As ranchers we need to do our part to share the health benefits of eating beef, and talk to consumers about how we raise our beef, and the steps we are taking on our ranches to help the environment.
Food production, like everything else, is a cycle. We all have a role to play in the food cycle, and we can strengthen our community through our choices. Our current situation is magnifying issues in our global food system. Buying local food reduces our dependence on international trade and domestic trade that requires cross-country transport. Buying locally is good for the consumer, the producer, and the economy.
Beef is easy to cook - there are many different recipes available to choose from. Clover Meadows Beef in Missouri provides instructions on seven methods for cooking beef. Verde Farms has a chart that lists the cut of beef and the different methods you can use to cook it. Find a new recipe or return to a trusted favorite. Eat your beef, get your zinc in, and stay healthy.
If you have questions about your health or diet reach out to a doctor or certified nutritionist. Many are offering telemedicine options to help answer your questions.
Get to know the ranchers who are putting beef on the table!
11 Health Benefits of Eating Beef
Beef 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Effects
Join the Discussion
It's good to be aware that a six-ounce serving of lean beef contains 72% of the daily required amount of beef, making it a good source of zinc. In addition to being tasty, you even explained how beef is a wonderful source of protein and minerals. This made me realize how I should include grass-fed beef in my family's diet so I'll look for a reliable supplier ASAP.